Кондрик Д.В., Поздняков Д.В., Петтерссон Л.Х. Particulate inorganic carbon production within E. huxleyi blooms in subpolar and polar seas: a satellite time series study (1998–2013) International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38, 22, 6179-6205 (год публикации – 2017).
DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2017.1350304 | Открыть на сайте издательства
Поздняков Д.В., Петтерссон Л.Х., Коросов А.А. Exploring the Marine Ecology From Space Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 (год публикации – 2017).
ISBN 978-3-319-30075-7 | Открыть на сайте издательства
Kondrik, D. V., Pozdnyakov, D. V., Pettersson, L.H. Tendencies in Coccolithophorid Blooms in Some Marine Environments of the Northern Hemisphere according to the Data of Satellite Observations in 1998–2013 Izvestiya RAS, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 53, 9, 955-964 (год публикации – 2017).
DOI: 10.1134/S000143381709016X | Открыть на сайте издательства
Кондрик Д.В., Поздняков Д.В., Йоханнессен О.М. Satellite Evidence that E. huxleyi Phytoplankton Blooms Weaken Marine Carbon Sinks Geophysical Research Letters, 45 (год публикации – 2018).
DOI: 10.1002/2017GL076240 | Открыть на сайте издательства
Научно-популярный материал о проекте Маленький агент глобального потепления журнал Санкт-Петербургский университет, №2 (3910), март 15, 2018.
ISSN 1681-1941 | Открыть электронную версию журнала
Казаков Э.Э., Кондрик Д.В., Поздняков Д.В. Spatial data assimilation with a service-based GIS infrastructure for mapping and analysis of E. huxleyi blooms in arctic seas Proc. SPIE 10773, Sixth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2018), 107730S (6 August 2018) (год публикации – 2018).
DOI: 10.1117/12.2325127 | Открыть на сайте издательства
Kondrik, D., Kazakov, E., and Pozdnyakov, D. A synthetic satellite dataset of the spatio-temporal distributions of Emiliania huxleyi blooms and their impacts on Arctic and sub-Arctic marine environments (1998–2016) Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 11, 119–128 (год публикации – 2019).
DOI: 10.5194/essd-11-119-2019 | Открыть на сайте издательства
Vihma, T., Uotila, P., Sandven, S., Pozdnyakov, D., et al. Towards an advanced observation system for the marine Arctic in the framework of the Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) Atmos. Chem. Phys, 19, 1941–1970 (год публикации – 2019).
DOI: 10.5194/acp-19-1941-2019 | Открыть на сайте издательства
Pozdnyakov, D. V., Kondrik, D.V., Kazakov, E. E., and Chepikova, S. S. Environmental conditions favoring coccolithophore blooms in subarctic and arctic seas: a 20-year satellite and multi-dimensional statistical study Proceedings of the SPIE, Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters, and Large Water Regions 2019, 111501W (14 October 2019) (год публикации – 2019).
DOI: 10.1117/12.2547868 | Открыть на сайте издательства
Gnatiuk, N., Radchenko, I., Davy,R., Morozov, E., and Bobylev, L. Simulation of factors affecting E.huxleyi blooms in arctic and subarctic seas by CMIP5 climate models: model validation and selection Biogeosciences. В печати (год публикации – 2019).
Seliuzhenok, V, Kondrik, D., Pozdnyakov, Chepikova, S. Bering Sea: A possible explanation for E. huxleyi extraordinary bloom outbursts in the late 1990s - early 2000s European Journal of Remote Sensing. В печати (год публикации – 2019).
Morozov, E. A., Kondrik, D. V., Chepikova, S. S., and Pozdnyakov, D. V. Atmospheric columnar CO2 enhancement over E. huxleyi blooms: case studies in the North Atlantic and Arctic waters Transactions of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Limnologoia i Oceanologia series, 3, 28-33 (год публикации – 2019).
DOI: 10.17076/lim989 | Открыть на сайте издательства
Kondrik, D. V., Kazakov, E.E., Pozdnyakov, D. V., Johannessen, O. M. Satellite evidence for enhancement of the column mixing ratio of atmospheric CO2 over E. huxleyi blooms Transactions of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Limnologoia i Oceanologia series, 9, 125-135 (год публикации – 2019).
DOI: 10/17076/lim1107 | Открыть на сайте издательства
Морозов Е. А., Кондрик Д. В., Чепикова С. С. Исследование влияния цветений кокколитофорид на поток СО2 по данным спутникового датчика Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 Моря России: фундаментальные и прикладные исследования / Тезисы докладов всероссийской научной конференции, с. 266. – г. Севастополь, 23–28 сентября 2019 г. – Севастополь: ФГБУН ФИЦ МГИ, 2019. – 411с. (год публикации – 2019).
ISBN 978-5-9908460-9-8
Kondrik D., Pozdnyakov D., Pettersson L., A satellite study of the phenomenon of calcifying phytoplankton blooms and establishment of the main physical and biogeochemical factors controlling it International Symposium "Atmospheric Radiation and Dynamics", Petergof, Russia, 27-30 June 2017
Pozdnyakov D., Kondrik D., Pettersson L., Inorganic carbon production by coccolithophores: a space borne study The 3rd Pan–Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) Science Conference, 19-22 September 2017, Moscow, Russia
Kondrik D., Pozdnyakov D., Pettersson L., A spaceborne study on E. huxleyi bloom extent dynamics at high northern latitudes The 3rd Pan–Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) Science Conference, 19-22 September 2017, Moscow, Russia
Kazakov E., Kondrik D., Pozdnyakov D., Spatial data assimilation with service-based GIS infrastructure for E. huxleyi blooms mapping and analysis in arctic seas Sixth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment, 26-29 March 2018, Paphos, Cyprus
Kondrik D., Pozdnyakov D., Kazakov E., Statistical analysis of E. huxleyi bloom dynamics driven by atmospheric and oceanic factors in polar and subpolar regions European Geosciences Union (EGU) - General Assembly 2018, 8-13 April 2018, Vienna, Austria
Pozdnyakov D., Kondrik D., Kazakov E., The efficiency of E. huxleyi blooms in dissolved CO 2 and particulate inorganic carbon production in the northern hemisphere: a 1998-2016 satellite study European Geosciences Union (EGU) - General Assembly 2018, 8-13 April 2018, Vienna, Austria
Pozdnyakov D., Kondrik D., Dissolved CO2 increase within coccolithophore blooms in subpolar and polar seas Polar 2018 Conference, 15-26 June 2018, Davos, Switzerland
Kondrik D., Pozdnyakov D., Pettersson, L., Satellite study on particulate inorganic carbon content within E. huxleyi blooms Polar 2018 Conference, 15-26 June 2018, Davos, Switzerland
Kondrik D., Pozdnyakov D., A new technique for spaceborne detection and quantification of coccolithophore driven changes relevant to the Arctic ecology UArctic Congress 2018, 3-7 September 2018, Oulu & Helsinki, Finland
Pozdnyakov, D.V., Kondrik, D.V., An innovative tool for the assessment of coccolithophore blooms' impact on marine carbon sinks in subarctic and arctic seas UArctic Congress 2018, 3-7 September 2018, Oulu & Helsinki, Finland
Pozdnyakov, D.V., Annual blooms of a coccolithophore E. huxleyi: Are they presently consequential for atmosphere-surface ocean carbon cycles in the Arctic and subarctic and what are perspectives on the future? YOPP Arctic Science Workshop, 14-16 January 2019, Helsinki, Finland
Chepikova S., Kondrik D., Kazakov E., Pozdnyakov D., Statistical analysis of Emiliania huxleyi bloom-controlling factors: their identification and prioritization Living Planet Symposium 2019, 13-17 May 2019, Milan, Italy
Pozdnyakov D., Kondrik D., Kazakov E., Johannessen O. M., Enhancement of Atmospheric Columnar CO2 Content Over E. huxleyi Blooms Living Planet Symposium 2019, 13-17 May 2019, Milan, Italy
Pozdnyakov D., Kondrik D., Kazakov E., Chepikova S., Environmental conditions favouring coccolithophore blooms in subarctic and arctic seas: a 20-year satellite and multi-dimensional statistical study SPIE Remote Sensing 2019, 9 - 12 September 2019, Strasbourg, France
Морозов Е. А., Кондрик, Д. В., Чепикова, С. С., Исследование влияния цветений кокколитофорид на поток CO2 по данным спутникового датчика Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) Моря России: фундаментальные и прикладные исследования, 23-28 сентября 2019, Севастополь, Россия